Islam – 6 Articles of Faith
I would often be reminded that Islam is built upon two fundamental aspects: faith (Iman) and practice (Amal). The foundation of our belief system is encapsulated in what we call “Islam 6 Articles of Faith.” These six principles shape our understanding of the unseen and guide our spiritual lives. As I learned more, I found myself exploring these Islam 6 articles of faith more deeply, understanding not only their significance but also how they influence my daily life.

1. Belief in Allah
The first and most crucial article of faith is believing in Allah. Since I became a Muslim, I was taught that Allah is the One and Only God, without partners or equals. He is The Creator, The Sustainer, and The Most Merciful.
I remember when I was at the beginning of my islamic journey, I would often ask my apa (Islamic teacher) “How can we believe in something we cannot see?” She patiently explained, “Just as we feel the wind but do not see it, we experience the presence of Allah in our lives through His creation and guidance.” This analogy stayed with me, reinforcing my faith in the unseen but ever-present existence of Allah.
Initially, believing in the unseen was a significant hurdle for me, and I found myself constantly asking others with “whys” and “buts.
Alhamdulillah, I was blessed with patience from those around me. I needed the answers to my questions not because I was questioning the faith but because I wanted to understand it more and be able to pass the knowledge to others one day. Through these discussions, especially with my apa, the explanations I received boosted my understanding of the Islamic faith to a depth I couldn’t have previously imagined. I am beyond grateful for that experience.
Understanding Tawhid (the oneness of God) has had a profound impact on my life. It gives me a sense of purpose, knowing that everything I do should be for His sake. It also instills humility, as I recognize that all power and knowledge belong solely to Him.
2. Belief in Angels
The second article of faith is the belief in angels. I was always fascinated by the idea that these divine beings exist around us, recording our deeds and carrying out Allah’s commands. There is so much I still want to learn about these creatures. It’s another aspect of faith that requires trust in the unseen, a conviction that they are present, even though we cannot perceive them with our senses.
The sheer scale of their existence is mind-boggling. We don’t know the precise numbers, but if we were to know the true extent of their presence, it would undoubtedly it would totally blow our minds with how huge Allah’s creation is and how perfectly He runs everything. It’d really show us that we’re always being watched by Allah, reminding us of our accountability and the importance of righteous actions. It would also highlight the intricate network of support and guidance that Allah has provided, demonstrating His boundless mercy and care for humankind.
The Qur’an and Hadith provide clear details about the creation and purpose of angels. They are:
- Created from Light: As narrated in a Hadith by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), “The Angels were created from light, the Jinn from smokeless fire, and Adam from what has been described to you” (Sahih Muslim).
- Genderless: Angels are neither male nor female. They are free from human desires and functions like eating, sleeping, or reproduction.
- Numerous in Number: The exact number of angels is known only to Allah SWT. However, the vastness of their numbers is hinted at in Islamic texts.
One of the most comforting beliefs in Islam is that each person has two recording angels, Raqib and Atid, who document our good and bad actions. Knowing that my deeds are always being recorded made me more conscious of my behavior. I started to think twice before saying something hurtful or acting in a way that displeased Allah.
3. Belief in the Holy Books
The third article of faith is belief in the holy books. Islam teaches that Allah has sent divine scriptures to guide humanity. These include the Torah (Tawrat) given to Moses AS, the Psalms (Zabur) given to Dawud AS, the Gospel (Injeel) given to Jesus AS, and the Quran, which was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
I have always found immense comfort in the Quran. Its verses provide guidance, wisdom, and solace during difficult times. The Quran is not just a book; it is a living miracle and complete guidance of life. Whenever I read verses, which I memorised and know their meanings or read verses I kind of know it’s as if He’s speaking directly to my heart, offering reassurance and clarity. Whether it’s a familiar passage that brings back cherished memories or a new verse that sparks a fresh understanding, the Quran always provides exactly what I need at that moment. It’s a constant source of strength, a reminder of His presence, and a guide that illuminates my path through life’s uncertainties.
4. Belief in the Prophets
Another integral part of Islam 6 Articles of Faith is belief in the prophets. Islam teaches that Allah sent many prophets throughout history to guide mankind. Among them were Adam AS, Noah AS, Ibrahem AS, Moses AS, Jesus AS, and finally, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is regarded as the Seal of the Prophets, meaning He is the final messenger. His life serves as the ultimate example of kindness, patience, and devotion to Allah. I often find inspiration in his stories, particularly in how he treated others with mercy and forgiveness.
His patience, particularly in the face of adversity, is another source of inspiration. He faced persecution, rejection, and even physical harm, yet he never wavered in his mission. He persevered, trusting in Allah’s plan, and ultimately, his message prevailed.
Stories like his forgiveness of the people of Mecca after they had driven him out, or his gentle treatment of those who initially mocked him, demonstrate a level of character that is truly extraordinary. These aren’t just stories to be admired; they’re examples to live up to.
Think about his kindness, not just to those who followed him, but to those who opposed him. His forgiveness towards those who wronged him, even after enduring immense hardship, is a powerful lesson in compassion. It shows us that true strength lies not in retaliation, but in mercy.
His devotion to Allah was absolute. His prayers, his supplications, his constant remembrance of his Creator, were the driving force behind his actions. He taught us that true success lies not in worldly achievements, but in pleasing Allah.
5. Belief in the Day of Judgment
The fifth article of faith is belief in the Day of Judgment. This belief emphasizes accountability. One day, we will all stand before Allah and answer for our deeds. Those who lived righteously will be rewarded with Jannah (Paradise), while those who ignored Allah’s commands will face consequences.
This concept deeply influences my choices. It makes me mindful of my actions, knowing that nothing goes unnoticed. At times when I feel lost or discouraged, I remind myself that every effort I make in being a good person is not in vain—Allah is always watching and will grant justice.
Sometimes, life gets really heavy, and it feels like I’m drowning in problems. When that happens, thinking about the Day of Judgment helps me get my head straight. No matter if it’s work stress or personal drama, it reminds me this life isn’t forever, it’s more like a test. It’s not about how much I earn or what fancy things I own. It’s all about how I deal with whatever comes my way, making sure my actions are pleasing to Allah.
The true and lasting rewards await those who persevere in their faith. It’s a source of comfort to know that every effort I make in being a good person, in striving to live according to the principles of the islam 6 articles of faith, is not in vain. Allah is always watching, always aware of our struggles, and He will ultimately grant perfect justice.
6. Belief in Divine Decree (Qadar)
The final principle of Islam 6 Articles of Faith is belief in divine decree (Qadar). This means that everything that happens in our lives is by Allah’s will, whether good or bad. This concept was difficult for me to understand at first. I often wondered, “If everything is already predestined, do my choices even matter?”
Over time, I came to understand that while Allah has knowledge of everything, we still have free will. Our choices shape our destiny, but ultimately, Allah’s wisdom prevails. This belief has helped me find peace during hardships, knowing that whatever happens is part of a greater plan that I may not yet understand.
Think of it like this: Allah knows the path we will take, but He does not force us to take it. He has given us the map, but we are the ones who decide which direction to travel. Our choices are not predetermined in the sense that they are forced upon us, but rather they are known to Allah in His encompassing knowledge.
It also encourages us to strive for excellence, to make the best possible choices, knowing that our efforts are not in vain. While the outcome may be in Allah’s hands, our actions, our intentions, are what truly matter. We are responsible for our choices, and we will be held accountable for them.
In essence, belief in Qadar is about finding a balance between trust and action. It’s about acknowledging Allah’s sovereignty while embracing our own path. It’s about finding peace in the knowledge that even in the face of uncertainty, Allah’s plan is perfect, and His wisdom prevails. This is why the belief in divine decree is a vital part of the islam 6 articles of faith.
Here are some Q&A on the Islam 6 Articles of Faith
1Q: Why is belief in Allah (Tawhid) so important?
- A: Belief in Allah’s Oneness (Tawhid) is the cornerstone of Islam. It emphasizes that there is only one God, without partners or equals. This belief guides Muslims to worship only Allah and to rely on Him in all aspects of life.
2Q: What role do Angels play in Islam?
- A: Angels are created beings who serve Allah and carry out His commands. They are messengers, guardians, and recorders of deeds. Belief in angels reminds Muslims that they are constantly observed and accountable for their actions.
3Q: What is meant by “Revealed Books” in Islam?
- A: “Revealed Books” refers to the scriptures revealed by Allah to His prophets. These include the Torah (Tawrat), the Psalms (Zabur), the Gospel (Injil), and the Quran, which is the final revelation.
4Q: Why do Muslims believe in all the Prophets?
- A: Muslims believe that Allah sent prophets throughout history to guide humanity. They believe in all the prophets with the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the final prophet.
5Q: What is the significance of the Day of Judgment in Islam?
- A: The Day of Judgment is the belief that all people will be resurrected and held accountable for their deeds. This belief encourages Muslims to live righteous lives and to seek Allah’s forgiveness.
6Q: What does belief in Divine Decree (Qadar) mean?
- A: Belief in Divine Decree (Qadar) means that everything that happens is by Allah’s will and knowledge. It does not negate free will, but rather emphasizes that Allah has ultimate control and knowledge of all things.
7Q: How do the Islam 6 Articles of Faith influence a Muslim’s daily life?
- A: These articles provide a framework for ethical behavior, spiritual growth, and a sense of purpose. They guide Muslims in their interactions with others, their worship of Allah, and their understanding of the world.
8Q: Can a person be considered a Muslim if they reject any of the Islam 6 Articles of Faith?
- A: No. Belief in all six articles is considered essential for being a Muslim. Rejecting any of them negates one’s Islamic faith.
The Impact of Islam 6 Articles of Faith on My Life
Reflecting on these six articles, I see how they have shaped my worldview and behavior over time. Belief in Allah reminds me of my purpose, belief in angels keeps me accountable, belief in holy books provides guidance, belief in prophets offers role models, belief in the Day of Judgment encourages righteousness, and belief in divine decree gives me peace in adversity.
As I continue to grow in my faith, I realize that these principles are not just theoretical concepts but practical guidelines for living a fulfilling and meaningful life. Whether in moments of joy or hardship, the Islam 6 Articles of Faith serve as a constant source of strength and direction, guiding me toward a path of righteousness and inner peace.
May Allah strengthen our faith, guide us on the straight path, and grant us wisdom and patience in all aspects of life. Ameen. 🤲