Signs of the Day of Judgement”
Islam teaches that the Day of Judgement is inevitable. It is a fundamental belief that every Muslim holds, as it is one of the six articles of faith. The Quran and Hadith provide extensive details about the signs of the Day of Judgement, categorizing them into minor and major signs. The minor signs, which have been appearing for centuries, indicate the gradual moral and societal decline of humanity. The major signs, however, are cataclysmic events that will herald the imminent arrival of the final hour.
What Is the Day of Judgement?
The Day, also known as Yawm al-Qiyāmah (يوم القيامة) in Arabic, is one of Islamic belief. It refers to the day when Allah will judge all of humanity for their actions and beliefs during their lifetime. We believe that this day is inevitable and will mark the end of the current world as we know it, followed by resurrection and eternal life in either Paradise (Jannah) or Hellfire (Jahannam).
Here’s a breakdown of we believe about this day:
- Resurrection: All individuals, from the Adam AS to the last, will be resurrected and brought back to life.
- Accountability: Every person will be held accountable for their deeds, both big and small, open and secret. God’s knowledge is all-encompassing, and nothing will be hidden.
- Judgment: Allah will judge each person fairly and justly, weighing their good deeds against their bad deeds. The “Scales” (Mizan) are often mentioned in this context, symbolizing the precision of Allah’s judgment.
- Paradise and Hellfire: Those whose good deeds outweigh their bad deeds will be rewarded with Paradise, a place of eternal bliss and happiness. Those whose bad deeds outweigh their good deeds will be punished in Hellfire, a place of suffering and torment.
Minor Signs of the Day of Judgement
- Gradual Decline of Morality
Among the minor signs of the Day of Judgement, I have observed many in my own since I embraced Islam. One of the most evident is the rapid spread of immorality and the loss of values in society. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) warned that near the end of times, people would openly indulge in sinful acts without remorse. I see this reflected in the normalization of indecency, corruption, and dishonesty in everyday life. Lying, cheating, and betrayal have become common practices, even among those who claim to be devout believers.
- Disobedience to Parents and Breakdown of Family Values
Another sign is the widespread disobedience of children towards their parents. The Prophet (peace be upon him) foretold that near the end, children would treat their parents with disrespect and arrogance. In many cultures today, we see an alarming decline in family values, where children disown their parents, abandon them in old age, or treat them with neglect. This is something that I find personally heartbreaking, as Islam places immense emphasis on honoring and caring for one’s parents.
- The Race for Tall Buildings
The rapid technological advancements and materialistic pursuits of the modern world also remind me of another sign of the Day of Judgement. The Prophet (peace be upon him) mentioned that people would compete in building tall structures, something we clearly witness in today’s skyline wars, particularly in the Middle East. Think about it this way: The Prophet (peace be upon him) talked about people competing to build these massive structures. The emphasis there is on the competition, the showing off, the desire to be seen as the biggest and the best. It’s less about practical needs and more about pride and worldly status.
Major Signs of the Day of Judgement:
The Beginning of the End
However, it is the major signs of the Day of Judgement that truly shake me to my core. Unlike the minor signs, which unfold gradually, the major signs will be drastic and undeniable. One of the first major signs is the appearance of the Dajjal, the false messiah. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) described him as a great deceiver who will perform miracles to convince people of his divinity. He will lead many astray, and only those with unwavering faith will recognize his deception. The thought of encountering such a test fills me with fear, as it will be a time of great confusion and spiritual trials.
So, it’s not the buildings themselves that are the problem. It’s the mentality behind the building boom, the way it reflects a focus on worldly achievements over spiritual ones. It’s a sign, the thinking goes, that society’s values are becoming skewed, and that’s what connects it to the signs of the Day of Judgement.
The Return of Prophet Isa (Jesus, Peace Be Upon Him)
Another significant sign is the descent of Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace be upon him). As Muslims, we believe that Prophet Isa AS was not crucified but was raised to the heavens and will return to earth as one of the signs of the Day of Judgement. His return will be a moment of truth, as he will defeat the Dajjal and bring justice to the world. This belief is not just a matter of faith for me; it a reminder that truth will always prevail over falsehood.
The Emergence of Ya’juj and Ma’juj (Gog and Magog)
The emergence of Ya’juj and Ma’juj (Gog and Magog) is another terrifying sign that has always intrigued me. The Quran and Hadith mention them as barbaric tribes who will break free from behind the ‘‘wall’ and spread corruption across the earth. Their destruction will come at the hands of divine intervention, but their emergence will signify that the world is nearing its end. I often wonder about their existence and whether their release is closer than we think.
The Sun Rising from the West: A Point of No Return
The rising of the sun from the west is a truly terrifying sign of the Day of Judgement. It’s a clear signal that the time for repentance has passed. I can’t even begin to imagine the despair people will feel when they see this and know their chance to seek forgiveness is gone, and their acceptance of Islam will not be recognised. This thought motivates me to constantly strive for righteousness, as none of us know when our own end—or the world’s—will come.
The Appearance of Dajjal: The Great Deceiver
The Dajjal, often translated as “messiah” is a significant figure in Islamic eschatology (the study of end times). He is a major sign of the Day of Judgment, and his appearance is believed to precede the final hour.
Who isThe Dajjal?
The Dajjal is a human being who will be given extraordinary powers by God as a test for humanity. He will be a charismatic leader who will deceive many people with his false claims and miracles. He is not divine, but he will claim to be.
Descriptions of the Dajjal vary, but he is often described as having one eye (the other being blind or deformed), and other physical characteristics.
The Dajjal’s primary goal will be to mislead people and turn them away from the true path of islam. He will perform seemingly miraculous feats, control resources, and offer worldly temptations to gain followers. He will create chaos and discord in the world.
The Dajjal’s appearance will be a great trial for believers. It will require strong faith and discernment to resist his temptations and see through his deceptions.
Ultimately, the Dajjal will be defeated by Isa AS, who will return to Earth. Isa AS will expose the Dajjal’s lies and restore justice and peace.
The Dajjal is a significant figure because his appearance signifies the major signs of the Day of Judgment and the importance of holding steadfast to one’s faith in the face of deception and trials. Belief in the Dajjal serves as a reminder for Muslims to strengthen their faith, seek knowledge, and be wary of worldly temptations that could lead them astray.
Preparing for the Inevitable Reality
The discussions on the signs of the Day of Judgement also make me ponder about my own actions and whether I am truly living according to the teachings of Islam. The Prophet (peace be upon him) warned that near the end of times, people would become heedless of their prayers, engage in riba (interest), and neglect their religious obligations. When I look around, I see this happening on a massive scale, and it great reminder that the final hour is drawing closer.
One of the most heart-wrenching realizations for me is that the ultimate end will come suddenly. The blowing of the trumpet by Angel Israfil will mark the absolute end of this world. Everything will perish, and only those who prepared for the Hereafter will find solace in that moment. The unpredictability of this event makes me conscious of the fact that I should always remain in a state of preparedness.
Q&A on Signs of the Day of Judgement in Islam
Q: What is the purpose of knowing the signs?
A: The purpose of knowing these signs is to serve as a warning and reminder for believers to strengthen their faith, repent for their sins, and prepare for the Hereafter before it is too late.
Q: Has any major sign already occurred?
A: No, none of the major signs have occurred yet. However, many minor signs have already taken place, such as widespread immorality, disobedience to parents, and the competition in constructing tall buildings.
Q: Who is the Dajjal, and why is he a significant sign of the Day of Reckonig?
A: The Dajjal is a false messiah who will appear before the Day of Judgement. He will deceive people with false miracles and claim divinity. Only those with strong faith will recognize his deception, making his arrival a great test for humanity.
Q: What happens when the sun rises from the west?
A: When the sun rises from the west, it will be a sign that repentance is no longer accepted. This event will signal that the final hour is very near, and those who did not believe before will have lost their chance to seek forgiveness.
Q: How should Muslims prepare for The Day?
A: Muslims should prepare by strengthening their faith, performing good deeds, seeking forgiveness, avoiding sinful behavior, and staying steadfast in their worship of Allah. The Quran and Hadith emphasize the importance of being mindful of the Hereafter in daily life.
Heeding the Warnings and Strengthening Faith
In conclusion, the signs of the Day of Judgement are not just a set of prophecies—they are a reality unfolding before our very own eyes. As a Muslim, I see these signs as both warnings and reminders to strengthen my faith, seek forgiveness and pray for the future generations. The purpose of knowing these signs is not to invoke fear but to inspire action. I believe that understanding these signs should encourage us to live righteous lives, uphold justice, and remain steadfast in our faith. Every day, I remind myself that the Day of Judgement is not a distant event—it is approaching with every passing moment.
May Allah grant us the wisdom and strength to recognize these signs and prepare ourselves for the ultimate reality.